Please note: protocols are for the safety and well-being of the cast.
- Required
- Closed (doors are locked throughout and no outsiders allowed)
- Lunch can be purchased if we have our fundraiser, or brought in the morning.
- No lunch deliveries or ordering.
- One missed LEVEL 1 per season is allowed, but read below.
- Missing a LEVEL 1 or being LATE may result in being removed from that part, being replaced in your role, or being removed from a segment. There are 6 segments and various speaking scenes in the performance.
- LEVEL ONE COSTUME REHEARSALS may REQUIRE the BASE COSTUME to be worn for modesty when changing outfits. Due April 8.
- Important to attend daily and Saturday practices for March, April and May.
- Daily rehearsals are VITAL to your child's performance.
- Please refrain from picking up children early, or making appointments for them during rehearsal time.
- Some daily rehearsals may go beyond 5:30 PM. Use the GROUPS button to identify whether or not your child's group is meeting on a specific day.
- No lunch delivery or food ordering during rehearsals. Rehearsals are CLOSED.
- Snacks and water will always be available for purchase and cast members may bring food or order our lunch fundraisers.
- Any missed rehearsal or part of rehearsal may result in your child being removed from that part. We are sorry, but we do not have time to reteach in March, April and May.
- Any costume rehearsal may require the base costume to be worn for modesty when changing outfits. Due April 8.
- CANNOT be missed. They are LEVEL 1, but all cast must be there.
- The dates for DRESS and SOUND/TECH are as of now: May 20, May 30, May 31, June 1. There will be at least one more.
- We do not rehearse on Memorial Day Weekend, even though our performance is the weekend after.
- We will provide buses FROM MASH to CROSS on these dates, but we cannot control the time that the bus arrives/leaves due to dismissals in the city, so cast from other schools may need to consider carpools or drop offs. We will notify you of pick up time when we receive notification.
- We provide pizza dinner on Dress Rehearsal, June 2, 2023. This year, we are fortunate that Mary R. (Aaliyah and Avery) has again offered to purchase the pizza for our dress rehearsal.
- Base costumes will be REQUIRED for these rehearsals, of course.
- Daedream has NO funding source except your one-time yearly fee, lunch fundraisers, tickets, snack sales, and our shows' concessions/merchandise. The rest, we have to raise on our own and it is extremely difficult to keep the program at the current low cost.
- Lunch fundraisers happen 1-4 times per season, on Saturday, Level 1 rehearsals. The cost is between $5 and $6 per lunch with a la carte options. Lunches are complete with main course, side, and fruit or dessert. All proceeds go to Daedream to help defray costs.
- Our long-time Caterer Mom, Stacy W. (Julie) has been making our lunches for years! She's AWESOME.
- It's completely optional to purchase these lunches.
- They are relatively inexpensive, we often get items donated (to keep cost low), and the kids love them. (if you want to donate items or cash to defray the cost of the lunch fundraiser, just contact Kim Francis or email [email protected])
- You can send your child with lunch instead if you choose to, of course.
- We hope to lessen that crazy morning crunch with putting together lunch before rehearsals with this option.